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Lover Uncloaked (Stealth Guardians #1) Page 12
Lover Uncloaked (Stealth Guardians #1) Read online
Page 12
He glanced at her, making sure he hadn’t lost her with his talk. “Have you ever watched Stargate?”
She nodded.
“It’s a little like that. The demons step through it, and they’re gone. Presumably to their lair in the Underworld.” He deliberately didn’t mention a word about the fact that he and his kind also had portals. It was better that she didn’t know about that. She would never get to see one, and there was such a thing as too much information.
“So they come out at will?”
“Pretty much.”
“How do you fight them?”
“They’re immune to human weapons,” he continued and heard her mutter softly.
“However, the Stealth Guardians have weapons against them. Any weapon, blade, dagger, sword or the like that was forged in the Dark Days has the power to injure or kill a demon. It’s the only thing they are vulnerable to.”
From the corner of his eye he noticed her part her lips and instantly figured what she wanted to ask.
“The Dark Days? It was when Stealth Guardians came into existence. Our race is descended from a tribe in the Outer Hebrides, off the Scottish mainland. They were knights, warriors who protected their islands from intruders by shrouding them in a dense fog that no eyes could penetrate. Any would-be invaders simply sailed past them, never knowing there was any land in sight.”
Leila sucked in an audible breath. “Is that what you do? Hide people in a cloud of fog?”
Aiden cast her a quick smile. “No. Our powers have evolved over the centuries. We no longer need the fog to hide ourselves or the people around us. We simply render them invisible.”
And could do so selectively. If he chose, he could keep her cloaked from the demons, yet visible to humans.
“What do the demons want?”
He sighed. Leila was a veritable waterfall of questions. Knowing that she was a scientist, he should have guessed that would be the case. “What does anybody want? Power, domination, survival.”
She made an impatient hand movement, dismissing his answer. “No, what do they really want? They must have an agenda, a mission.”
“That is their mission: to gain power over humans, to seduce humans to do their bidding, to fuel the fear in this world, so they can feed off it.”
“They feed off fear?”
“That’s what makes them stronger. The more fear there is in this world, the stronger the demons. In times of war and uncertainty, they grow more powerful. During the Cuban Missile Crisis we had our hands full. Only the actions of a decisive leader were able to turn the situation around.”
“The Stealth Guardians defused the crisis?” she asked.
“Only indirectly. We don’t interfere in your world directly. We’re only there to protect those humans who can in some way help their own race get stronger again. We protected several key figures in the US government, who were instrumental in reaching an agreement with the Russians to end the crisis. We made sure the demons had no influence over them.”
“You mean you can somehow stop them?”
Aiden shook his head. It wasn’t that easy. “All we can do is hide those humans who your race can’t do without and help them achieve their purpose in life, whether that is to act as a peace keeper, a brilliant inventor, or a scientist. But the rest is up to the humans. We can only guide them on the right path; we can’t force them to stay on it.”
He glanced at her. Their gazes clashed, and he noticed that realization had suddenly sunk in.
“What happens when the human you’re protecting can’t fight off the influence of the demons?”
Aiden pressed his lips together. He hadn’t expected her to ask him this question. And he wasn’t prepared to answer it.
“Tell me. What happens to those who do what the demons want?”
Her eyes drilled into him, and he knew she wouldn’t rest until he gave her an answer. And for once, he couldn’t lie.
“We are forced to eliminate them.”
Before they kill one of our own, he wanted to add. Like they’d killed his sister. But he couldn’t confide this in Leila. And he shouldn’t want to feel this need to explain his reasoning to her. But for some inexplicable reason, he wanted her to understand why he had to do what he had to do. And he didn’t like that feeling of vulnerability it evoked in him.
Leila’s heart was still beating out of control when Aiden pulled the car to a stop. His words rang in her ears. The determination in his voice had shocked her to the core. Even if there were things she couldn’t quite believe yet, she recognized the truth in those words. Eliminate he’d said, when she knew he meant kill. Such a clinical, cold way of saying it, as if a life meant nothing to him. Maybe it didn’t.
After everything he’d told her about the demons, she understood how dangerous they were, and that it was up to her to fight them should they ever find her. Knowing what a coward she was and that she would lose any fight with the demons in two seconds flat, one thing became more important than anything: they could never be allowed to find her. If that meant that she had to remain invisible until this threat had passed and they lost interest in her, then she would do exactly that. Even if it meant tethering herself to a Stealth Guardian who she couldn’t trust either. A Stealth Guardian toward whom she felt an inexplicable attraction, despite the danger he represented.
“We’re here,” Aiden announced and pulled out his cell phone to punch something into it.
A loud humming sound made her snap her eyes to the area ahead of them. Light started to emerge as a garage door lifted in front of them. The car edged forward and slid into one of the spots lining the far wall.
“Let’s go,” he ordered and jumped from the car, severing their contact.
Odd, she’d still had her hand on his thigh, and it had felt almost like a natural extension of her own body. It had calmed her at the same time as it had excited her.
Quickly, she alighted from the car and went around it to Aiden’s side. But he was already walking toward the open garage door. She caught up with him and grabbed his arm.
He whirled his head to her, glancing at her hand that held onto his forearm. His eyes blazed at her, making her stumble over her own feet. When he caught her, both his hands dug into her biceps. The heat in his eyes made her feel flushed despite the cool night air that touched her skin.
“What is it?” Worry colored his voice.
“I . . . I,” she stammered, then swallowed away her fear. She wasn’t too proud to beg. Anything to be safe. “Please, you have to keep me invisible.”
Slowly his features softened and the grip on her arms loosened. His hands stroked down her arms, his movements deliberate and steady. A shiver ran down her spine. She knew what he did was only to calm her, but that didn’t stop her from perceiving his touch as sensual, as caressing.
She closed her eyes, unable to withstand his intense gaze any longer. It only intensified his scent that wrapped around her like a protective cocoon. Or maybe it was simply what it felt like to be invisible: hot, protected, aware of everything around her. Earlier, when they’d been at Inter Pharma, she’d been in shock and unable to understand what was happening to her. Even in the car when she’d put her hand on his thigh to remain cloaked, she had concentrated more on his words than on the effect his body had on her.
But now . . . now all distractions were gone, pushed into the distance, and all she felt was his presence. The power that danced on his skin, the strength that oozed from his muscles, and the heat that radiated outward.
With a sigh, she lifted her lids, her gaze colliding with his.
His face was only inches from hers, his lips parted, his breath bouncing against hers. Nervously, she licked her lower lip and noticed his eyes hone in on her action. Oh, God, if he tried to kiss her now, she wouldn’t be able to resist him. On the contrary, she would press her body against him shamelessly, begging him to take her. It would help her forget everything she’
d been through, forget the danger she was in, even if it was only for a short time.
“We have to go inside,” he suddenly said and stepped back, taking her hand into his at the same time.
In a daze, she followed him out of the garage, which he closed behind them. As they rounded the corner, she looked down the street. Yellow, orange, and red neon signs flickered on nearly each building. Her eyes adjusted, reading the signs.
Her feet froze. “This is the red light district.” Sign after sign advertised personal services: girls they read, or massage; she even saw one that advertised nude girls.
Aiden shrugged and pulled her along. “I’m aware of that.”
As they walked past a slutty looking woman—clearly a hooker—Leila instinctively made a wide berth around her. The woman gave her a lascivious smile, looking her up and down.
“How about a date?”
Leila gave her a shocked stare, surprised at being propositioned.
The whore grinned as if she enjoyed her discomfort. “A threesome then, honey? Fifty bucks and I’ll eat your pussy while your man fucks me from behind.”
Leila’s chin dropped at the open taunt. She’d never been so speechless in her entire life.
“Maybe some other time,” Aiden answered and pulled her away.
Leila found her voice again. “Oh, my God! I can’t believe you said that.” Was he really considering such an outrageous act?
“That’s what you get for staring,” he chuckled at her side.
Was he suggesting she had provoked the hooker’s offer? “I didn’t—”
“I’m afraid, you did. And that’s exactly why she teased you.” He paused and gave her a sideways glance.
That’s when she realized something.
“Oh, no!” How could they even see her? A shot of adrenaline bolted through her body, making her heart beat into her throat. “Why am I not invisible?”
“Relax. You’re still invisible to the demons. But I chose to let us be seen by humans.”
“You can do that?” Her pulse steadied a little.
“But why? Wouldn’t it be safer if nobody saw us?”
“It takes a lot of energy to cloak us both from humans and demons. I prefer to conserve mine when there’s no absolute need.”
Well, it appeared even an Immortal had his limitations. “But what will the demons see then?”
He shrugged. “Simply a hooker talking to herself.”
A moment later, they came to a stop in front of a three-story building. Leila looked at the neon sign in the window. Thai Massage it advertised.
“What are we doing here?”
“It’s our safe house.”
He had to be kidding.
“We’re saying here for the night.”
The door opened and a woman who looked like she was in her sixties appeared. No, Leila corrected herself, a madam appeared. Wasn’t that what the owners of these kind of establishments called themselves? Because for sure, this woman was past her prime. Maybe fifteen years ago she’d still worked as a hooker, but who would want her now? Leila chastised herself for her bitchy thoughts, writing them off to her own weariness. She needed to sleep, to rest, and to forget what had happened tonight.
“Come,” the woman simply said, and ushered them into the house.
Inside, it was surprisingly clean and . . . homey. Leila let her eyes wander as the woman led them up to the second floor past a long row of doors with numbers on them. She shuddered at the thought of what was going on behind those doors. There was no shame in admitting to herself that she’d led a somewhat sheltered life, far away from the filth and vice of human excesses.
She’d never been inside a brothel, hell, she’d never been in this part of town before, and she hoped that after tonight, she would never have to come back to this place. Her only consolation was that here the chances of meeting anybody she knew were nil. At least, she would never have to explain this to anybody.
The corridor wound around several times as if they were entering a maze, the changing Asian artwork on the walls the only indication that they weren’t walking in circles. Beneath her feet, lush rugs cushioned her steps. The scent of essential oils permeated the air, almost as if she were in a spa. Clearly, the owner was taking the label of Thai Massage a little too literally, as if she could fool anybody about what was really going on in this establishment.
A door to her right opened, a young woman dressed in a colorful kimono-like robe slipping out. She inclined her head in greeting and smiled. Leila slowed her steps, turning her head to watch the girl as she walked in the other direction. She didn’t look anything like the slutty hooker she’d seen on the street. The girl was pretty, her features clean and pleasant. Had she met her on the street, she would have never guessed what she did for a living.
A pull on her hand made her jerk forward. Aiden gave her a reprimanding look.
“Staring again?”
“I wasn’t . . . ” She didn’t finish her sentence when she noticed a smirk playing around his lips. Was he actually finding her uneasiness in this place funny? She huffed and clamped her jaw shut.
Around the next corner, the woman finally stopped in front of a door. She unlocked it, then gave Aiden the key.
“Thank you, Coralee,” he acknowledged.
The old woman simply nodded and shuffled past them. As the madam brushed her, her gaze traveled up Leila’s body, then rested on her face. Was she sizing her up like fresh meat for her brothel?
Then she tossed a glance back at Aiden. “Pretty,” she said to him before she disappeared down the hallway.
Once inside, he locked the door behind them. She was alone with him again.
The room was more comfortable than she’d expected. There was a sitting area, a closet, a chest of drawers with a mirror over it, and a bed. Only one. Large, but that didn’t change the fact that it was only one. She eyed the sofa.
“You need to sleep,” he said. “There are clothes in the bathroom that will fit you.”
She looked down at their joined hands. “Will I be all right for a couple of minutes without being cloaked?”
He nodded. “It will take them more than a couple of minutes to lock onto your presence even if they are somewhere in the vicinity. Unless they have a visual on you. Then it’s instant recognition. But we’re inside, and the shades are drawn.”
She swallowed away her fear and opened the door to the en-suite bathroom. “I’ll only be a minute.”
Aiden watched the bathroom door close behind her. He’d just missed another perfect opportunity to tell her the truth. Why hadn’t he come clean? Was it because for tonight it wouldn’t matter anyway since she had no choice but to allow him to touch her while they both slept? Because during sleep, only his touch could cloak a human. But explaining that to Leila would have invited too many questions in her inquisitive mind. And he was too tired to play twenty questions right now. And not ready to face her wrath for his earlier deception. He’d explain everything to her tomorrow.
When he heard the bathroom door open, his head snapped in its direction. Leila stepped out gingerly, her eyes downcast, half her face hidden by her long hair. But his eyes weren’t focusing on that. They were already traveling up and down her body, or what he could see of it.
Why had she dressed in the most shapeless PJs she could find in that closet? He was sure Coralee kept a good selection of nightgowns and negligees in there. Yet Leila had decided on oversized flannel pajamas that hid all her curves. The thick material didn’t even hint at the sensual woman underneath.
Was she trying to hide from him? Without a word, he brushed past her and headed for the bathroom. He let the door snap in behind him.
The urge to touch her had never been stronger than now. Knowing that in a few minutes she would be sleeping in his arms, made his desire for her spike. He knew he shouldn’t want this, because it was wrong: she was his charge, not his
lover. Besides, Leila didn’t want him—no woman wanting to be seduced wore flannel pajamas.
He let his last conversation with her replay in his mind. Maybe he’d said things she didn’t want to hear. Finding out that he would eliminate her should she be seduced to the demons’ side probably didn’t exactly endear him to her. Maybe he should have refused to answer that question or told her a lie instead.
As he got ready for bed and undressed, he felt the events of the last few hours take their toll. Exhaustion overwhelmed him, even though nights like these were the norm. He shouldn’t feel tired, not the way he did right now. Maybe it was better this way: perhaps his sexual drive would be wiped out by his tiredness and stop him from doing something stupid.
Dressed only in his boxer briefs, his cock semi-erect, he walked back into the bedroom, finding only the nightlight next to the door illuminated. He dropped his clothes on one of the chairs to have them close in an emergency.
Under the covers, Leila’s shape was visible, the sheets covering her up to her neck. She’d turned toward the opposite wall, and he could only assume that she was already asleep.
Aiden glanced at the clock on the bedside table. In less than an hour the sun would rise. It was best to get a few hours of sleep before deciding on the next course of action. On bare feet, he walked to the bed and lifted the covers, silently sliding under them.
He felt the warmth of her body and moved closer when he noticed her holding her breath. She wasn’t asleep as he’d assumed.
With slow movements, he reached for her. “Just so you’re cloaked,” he whispered.
“Yes.” Her husky voice was barely audible.
Snaking an arm around her waist, he drew her into the curve of his body. When her sweet backside connected with his groin, he clenched his jaw shut to prevent himself from moaning out loud.
Fuck! He’d never survive this night. It was better if he told her the truth now and didn’t continue this deception.