A Hush of Greek (Out of Olympus Book 4) Page 19
Smiling, Psyche reached the bed and bent over Eros. She lowered her head to his groin and licked her tongue over the tip of his cock.
“Fuck!” Eros cursed and bucked toward her.
“Guess you weren’t lying about the exploding part,” she teased him and put her hand around his thick root.
“I never joke about important stuff.”
She took another lick, then mounted him. “In that case I’d better not play with you, or I won’t get what I want.” She lifted herself up onto her knees and brought his erection to her core. She was already wet.
“What do you want, Psyche?” Eros asked, his eyes boring into her. “Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you.”
Bearing down, Psyche impaled herself on Eros’s cock, making them both moan out loud simultaneously. “I already have what I want.” She bent over him, bringing her lips to his. “Your cock inside me.” She couldn’t think of anything better in life. Being with Eros made everything else melt into the background.
“Then I guess you’re easy, too,” he whispered. “I would have given you all the riches in this world if you’d asked for them.”
She chuckled at his strange words. “I only want you.”
“You’ve got me.” Eros pressed his lips to hers, kissing her deep and hard, before releasing her to give her a chance to breathe. “Now ride me, my sexy goddess.”
As she went up and down on him, Eros’s eyes were on her as if he couldn’t get enough of her. His hands weren’t idle either. He squeezed her breasts, cupped them, caressed them. He tweaked her nipples, stroked them and rubbed his fingers over them, turning them into hard little buds so tender she could barely breathe.
Eros’s hips moved upward every time she lowered herself onto him, doubling the impact. Every time their bodies came together, she felt him reach deeper into her. She felt perspiration build on her skin; a tiny rivulet of sweat was forming between her breasts and running south like a mountain stream.
Eros was clenching his jaw, his breathing choppy, his chest heaving. The sounds of their lovemaking were bouncing off the walls of his bedroom, and the bed seemed to rattle from their frantic movements.
“Fuck!” Eros cursed and suddenly lifted her off him only to mount her a second later and drive his cock hard and deep into her, pressing her into the mattress.
His pelvic bone slammed against her clit, wringing her last breath from her. On a scream, she climaxed harder than she ever had. Her entire body seemed to shatter.
“Thank the gods!” Eros cried out and spasmed inside her.
She felt the hot spray of his semen fill her and prolong her orgasm. Her entire body was tingling pleasantly now, and a contented sigh rolled over her lips. Exhausted, but satisfied, she sank into the mattress.
Eros collapsed on top of her, then rolled to bring himself underneath her again. Lying like a ragdoll on his chest, Psyche couldn’t even lift her head.
“Wow,” she murmured against his skin.
He exhaled sharply and delivered a playful slap on her ass. “You can wear this outfit anytime you want to.” He put his hand underneath her chin and lifted her head so their eyes could meet. “In fact, I think we should have a rule that at least once a week you’ll dress up like that.”
“So I guess that means you like the outfit.” She chuckled.
“Not the outfit. You in it.” He smirked and looked down at her, his gaze hungry. “Or rather, the many things this flimsy thing doesn’t hide.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “I’m sorry I had to take over at the end, but—”
She put her finger over his lips, stopping him. “Don’t be. I like it when you turn all primal.”
“I’ll remember that for next time.”
Psyche smiled. Everything in her life was perfect.
By the time Monday came around, and she had to be back at her shop again, Psyche felt more relaxed than ever. The morning was relatively quiet, and she’d just returned from eating lunch at the deli next door, when the bell over the door chimed, announcing a customer.
A tall man dressed in a designer suit waltzed in, exuding confidence and poise. He wasn’t the kind of customer she usually got. He looked too rich and too sophisticated, and while her shop had a good selection, it didn’t really cater to the upper crust of the city. They preferred the more exclusive establishments downtown, rather than her down-to-earth, what-you-see-is-what-you-get shop. Maybe he was lost and only wanted to ask for directions.
“May I help you, sir?” she asked politely.
He approached, running his gaze over her as if he was measuring her for a dress. Instinctively, she reached into the pocket of her apron and clutched her cell phone. Something about this man made her uneasy.
“You’re Psyche Everly, am I right?”
“Yes, that’s me.” She tried to sound businesslike, but her apprehension continued to grow. “And you are?”
“That’s not important right now. I have something for you.”
“If this is some sort of sales spiel, you may as well turn around and leave.” Annoyance charged through her. Some sales people could be unorthodox when it came to their pitch. Anything to make a sale. But she wasn’t falling for it. “I’m not interested in buying anything. Have a nice day.”
The man threw his head back and laughed. The sound crackled through the air like the rumble of thunder, making the plants rustle as if the leaves had caught a gust of wind.
A corresponding shiver ran down her spine.
“I can see you’re gonna be difficult to convince,” he replied and stepped closer. “This is about Eros.”
“Eros?” She sighed with relief. So the guy wasn’t a salesman. “Are you one of his clients?”
“Hardly. But I know him well. And that’s why I’ve come to warn you about him.”
Her heart stopped for a moment, only to restart at double its rate. “Warn me?” She instinctively shook her head. She knew Eros, and there was nothing in his character that she needed to be warned about.
“He’s only playing with you.”
Her jaw tightened. “I think you should leave. I don’t know what your motives are or what you have against Eros, and I don’t care, but I won’t stand here and listen to you spew lies about my boyfriend.”
The stranger chuckled. “Ah, a really feisty one. So he’s convinced you that you’re the one. That you’re—” He made air quotes. “—exclusive. He’s probably told you he’s been exclusive with you from the very start.”
Hearing the words that Eros had used only two days earlier, Psyche gasped. “I want you to leave.”
“But you haven’t heard yet what I’ve got to say.”
“I’m not interested in what you’ve got to say.” She trusted Eros and had no reason to believe a single word this stranger was saying.
“Well, maybe my words won’t convince you, but what do they say? A picture is worth a thousand words.” He pulled out his cell phone and unlocked it.
“I’m not interested in seeing any pictures.”
He looked up from his device and smirked. “Oh, you’ll be interested in this one. It shows the woman with whom he’s been cheating on you. In his bed.”
He turned the cell phone around and held it in front of her face. Psyche looked away.
“Look at it! Or don’t you want to see the truth?” the stranger insisted, and something in his voice compelled her to turn her head back.
The photo showed a naked woman, haphazardly covered with a duvet, in a bed.
“It’s Eros’s bed,” the man said.
Psyche could see that. But that didn’t have to mean anything. “This could have been taken ages ago, and you know it. I’m afraid your attempt at driving a wedge between me and Eros isn’t working.” She crossed her arms over her chest.
“Look closer,” he said. He zoomed in on the nightstand. “Look.”
When her eyes focused on the item that lay on the nightstand, she sucked in a breath. A small blue package lay
there. It was open, and a square strip with several rows of pills peeked from it. Her contraceptives.
“No, no. That’s not possible.” She’d left those pills there only two days earlier—which would mean that the woman had been in Eros’s bed in the last few days. She shook her head, then lifted her chin in defiance. “It’s photoshopped. It must be. You doctored it for some sick reason.”
The man shook his head. “I really must hand it to Eros. He’s done a pretty good job making you trust him. Even now, in the face of overwhelming evidence, you still believe him. He doesn’t deserve you. He’s a philanderer. He uses women only for his pleasure, and when he’s done with them, he discards them. Love means nothing to him.”
“Get out!” she cried, not wanting to hear any more of it.
“You think if I leave it makes this go away?” He pointed to the picture on the cell phone and shook his head. “Why don’t you go to his house now? He’s not expecting you till this evening. And she’s still there.” He turned and walked toward the door, but stopped when he reached it and looked over his shoulder. “Oh, I almost forgot. You know who the woman in the picture is? Gloria. Eros wanted to marry her. Turns out she got divorced last month. So she came running back to him, and he received her with open arms.”
The stranger walked out, and the door fell shut behind him.
Psyche clutched her chest and gasped for air. Her lungs constricted, almost refusing to function. Her heart beat into her throat and her pulse thundered in her temples. Everything seemed to turn around her. Her knees gave way, and she grabbed the counter for support to keep herself from collapsing.
“No. It’s not true,” she said to herself. “It can’t be true. Not Eros. He wouldn’t do that.”
But no matter how often she repeated the words to herself, doubts started creeping in. What if Gloria had come back? Eros had freely admitted that he’d loved her and wanted to marry her. What if he saw a second chance with her?
She had to find out for herself.
Half an hour later, Psyche brought the truck to a stop outside of Eros’s house. She killed the engine, but didn’t immediately get out. From the outside, nothing looked different. There were no strange cars in front of the garage. The house itself looked quiet. Psyche took a breath. Had the stranger lied? Had he perhaps been hired by Gloria to split them up so that she could come back and console Eros? But what if he’d told her the truth? What if the photo wasn’t doctored? What if it had indeed been taken today?
She couldn’t ignore the evidence. She had to find out the truth. Even if it hurt her.
Her legs felt like lead when she got out of the truck and walked up to the entrance. She used her key and unlocked the front door, then shut it quietly behind her. As she crossed the foyer and put one foot on the first step, she remembered all the things that had happened here not too long ago: the passionate kisses, the lovemaking. She lifted her eyes to the top of the stairs and started walking. The lush carpet swallowed the sound of her footsteps. At the landing, she turned and walked down the corridor to the master suite.
Her hand was already on the doorknob when she heard the sound of a door opening and closing. It was coming from the first floor.
“Eros?” she called out tentatively.
“Psyche?” Footsteps came from the back of the house and reached the foyer. “What are you doing home so early?” Eros came running up the stairs.
She hesitated at the door. If he’d been downstairs and not in his bedroom, then perhaps the stranger’s words had been lies. She turned around just as Eros reached the landing. Her heart stopped when she saw him. He was barefoot and wore only a pair of cargo shorts. His face seemed flushed, and a sheen of perspiration lay on his skin. As if he’d been doing something physical.
“Did you close the shop for the day?” he asked as he walked toward her.
Psyche nodded.
“Great!” Eros claimed. “Perfect timing! Come downstairs with me. I wanna show you what I got us for the backyard.” He reached for her arm and attempted to pull her toward him, but she stopped him.
If he was so keen on getting her downstairs and away from the bedroom, then maybe there was evidence after all that Gloria had been here. And why else would Eros be half naked and sweaty?
“I just need to freshen up quickly.”
“You can do that downstairs. You’ll see. It’s all brand new.”
His insistence on dragging her downstairs cemented her determination to see the bedroom. She turned around and opened the door wide. She took only two steps into the room before she saw everything she needed to see.
There, in the bed that Psyche and Eros had shared last night, lay a woman. She was naked and stirring and barely covered by the sheets. She turned her head now.
“Psyche, what’s wrong?” Eros said from the door and stepped next to her. His next words came out in an entirely different tone. “Gloria? What the fuck?”
“Hey, babe,” the naked woman drawled seductively. “Are you suggesting we have a threesome now? You naughty boy.” She chuckled.
Psyche had seen and heard enough. She spun around. “How could you do this to me after everything you said? You’re no better than Wayne. No, you’re worse, because you made me trust you!” She charged toward the door.
Eros grabbed her arm. “Don’t leave, Psyche! This is not what it looks like. This is a setup! I can prove it!”
Tears already brimming in her eyes, Psyche shook her head. “Don’t bother! Look at you!” She pointed to his appearance. “You’ve just gotten out of bed.” She tore free of him and ran to the stairs.
“I installed a fucking Jacuzzi!” Eros yelled after her, stalking into the hallway. “I didn’t sleep with Gloria! Damn it, Psyche, you have to believe me!”
But she was already at the foot of the stairs. She couldn’t listen to this any longer. She ripped the front door open and ran to her truck. She jumped inside and turned the key in the ignition. Tears were streaming down her cheeks now. But she ignored them, just like she ignored the pain that felt as if a hundred knives were being stabbed into her heart.
Eros cursed when he heard Psyche leave in her truck. He would go after her, but first he had to take care of one problem: Gloria.
He marched back into his bedroom and narrowed his eyes at his unwelcome visitor. “Cover yourself, for god’s sake!” He wasn’t turned on by her naked flesh. Indeed, it repelled him.
“Hey, babe, I thought you’d be happy to see me,” she purred.
“Do I look happy?” Eros snapped and glared at her.
Gloria shrank back and pulled the sheets up to cover more of her naked body.
“How the fuck did you get in here?”
“I heard you were still pining for me. And since I’m single again…” She waved her ring-less hand. “I figured I’d surprise you.”
“Get real, Gloria! We were over fourteen months ago! As for pining for you, don’t flatter yourself!” Had she really thought he’d take her back? “How delusional are you to think you could just waltz back into my life after what you did?”
She pouted, a gesture he’d had seen her make many times before. He now recognized it for the act it was. “I don’t believe you.” She motioned to the door. “You can’t possibly want that woman. We have a history together. What can she possibly have that I don’t?”
“She has more class and honesty in her little finger than you have in your entire body! And I love her more than I’ve ever loved anybody.” The words were out before he even realized he was speaking them. As if it was fate.
Seemingly shocked, Gloria’s eyes widened. “You love her?” She stared at him as if she couldn’t believe it. “But he said that you wanted me back.”
Suspicion instantly charged through him. “Who?”
Gloria looked away quickly and pulled the sheets around her body, while she swung her legs out of the bed. But Eros had no intention of dropping the question. His curiosity was piqued. Something else was going
on here. He stalked toward her, blocking her way just as she got up.
“Who put you up to this?”
“Can’t trust anybody’s word these days,” she mumbled to herself.
“Who?” Eros bellowed so loudly that the walls nearly shook.
Gloria jerked back and almost fell back onto the bed, clearly shocked at his outburst. She clutched the sheet tighter to her body. “I don’t remember his name.” She ran a hand along her temple now. “Actually I don’t remember much at all.”
“How convenient!” he grunted. “Talk or I’ll have you arrested for trespassing.”
“Please, you have to believe me. I meant no harm. I met this man in a bar. He came on to me.” She shrugged. “I was lonely. You know, after the divorce.”
That she was divorced was news to him. It appeared the guy she’d married had finally seen the true Gloria, the gold digger, and dumped her.
“What did he want?”
“He was nice to me,” she said in a defensive tone. “And he was very handsome.”
“What else?” Eros asked impatiently.
“I don’t remember much. I think we had sex. I’m pretty sure.” Gloria frowned. “But then he started talking about you and how you were still single. Still pining for me.”
Eros huffed in disgust. “Lies.”
“I remember now. He said if I did one favor for him, just one, he’d reward me for it.”
She nodded. “He was rich. I could tell. He said he needed somebody like me. And if I would show up here in your house to find out if you still had feelings for me, I’d be doing him a great favor.”
“So what you said earlier is a lie then.”
Gloria tipped her chin up. “I just assumed it all meant you still loved me. I mean, if he wanted to find out.”
“Really?” Eros hadn’t thought her to be so naive. “And you got that from the fact that he fucked you? And then wanted you to show up in my bed? Naked? Get real!”
Her lips trembled. “I’m not sure. I don’t remember clearly.” She rubbed her temple again. “I don’t even know how I got here. After I said I’d do it, we had another drink, and then I don’t remember anything, until the door opened, and you and that woman came in.”