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Master Unchained (Stealth Guardians Book 2) Page 26

  “Did you mean it? That you want to be my wife?” he interrupted before she could hurl an insult at him.

  Her cheeks flushed, and her chest rose, making him all too aware of how sexy she looked in that red dress.

  “I… I, uh… earlier at City Hall you were saying something…”

  He’d never seen her so nervous. “We were interrupted.”

  She nodded slowly, her throat working as if she was trying to swallow down a lump.

  “It’s an easy question, Tessa. Don’t I deserve an answer? Did you mean it?”

  “Yes.” The word was so quiet that he almost didn’t hear it.

  “Does that mean you love me? Truly love me?”


  “Then tell me.”

  She lifted her lids and looked straight at him. “I love you. I don’t know how it happened.”

  “The how doesn’t matter, lass. But the how much does.” He took a few steps closer, but he didn’t reach for her. Not yet. “There’s something you need to know. When a Stealth Guardian bonds with a human, it’s not without risk.”

  “Risk?” she echoed.

  “Only a bond of true and pure love will endure. If the love isn’t true and pure the bond will kill us. Both of us. Not immediately, but within a few months. We would have to watch each other wither away, regretting our decision every day. That’s why no Stealth Guardian enters into a bond lightly.”

  “Is that what you were trying to tell me earlier?”

  “That, and more. I love you, Tessa. And I want a bond. I want you in my life. But if you’re not sure whether your love is real or just a momentary infatuation, then you need to turn me down.”

  “Is that a proposal?”

  “Guess it is.” Even though he said it casually, his entire body was coiled in tension.

  She walked to him and put one hand on his chest where his heart beat excitedly. She lifted herself on her tiptoes, bringing her lips close to his. “Then it’s a yes.”

  His pulse raced. “Aren’t you afraid of what could happen?”

  “When I’m with you, I’m never afraid.” She chuckled. “Now, are you planning to kiss me anytime soon? Or do I have to seduce you?”

  He cleared his throat, while farther below his cock was hardening. “You did mention earlier that you were wearing something for me…”

  “Actually, I lied.”

  She reached behind her back and lowered the zipper. When she brushed the dress over her shoulders, then down her hips to let it pool around her feet, he discovered the extent of her lie. Tessa wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing underneath her red dress.

  “Fuck me!” he mumbled under his breath, his cock now tenting his pants.

  “How about you take off that suit,” she murmured and turned.

  He watched her walk to the bed, while he started undressing. His shoes went first, then his jacket, shirt, and tie. By the time he was lowering the zipper of his pants, Tessa was already lying down on the bed, one knee up, one arm stretched above her head. She looked like a pin-up girl. Pure seduction.

  Impatiently, he rid himself of his pants, boxer briefs and socks and stalked to the bed, his eager cock leading the way. He gazed down at Tessa, drinking in her beauty with his eyes. She was perfect in every way. Perfect for him.

  He lowered himself onto the bed and pulled her into his arms. Gently he brushed his fingers over her lips, then her chin. “Making love tonight will be different than the times before.”


  “Remember when you had my virta inside you? Tonight I will pour it into you while we make love. And you’ll return it to me by placing your hand over my heart. It’ll create a circle that binds us together forever.”

  “Will I glow golden again?”

  He smiled. “Yes. So don’t plan on sleeping tonight, because I have no intention of giving you a break once your skin shimmers with my virta. I’m very insatiable that way.”

  She ran her fingers along his chin to his neck. “Don’t you think that warning comes a little late?”

  “It’s not a warning, it’s a promise,” he replied and captured her lips, pouring all the love he had for her into the kiss.

  ~ ~ ~

  Hamish’s kiss was more passionate than the previous nights they’d made love. She felt his power, his strength almost immediately. And she felt something else, too.

  Around them the room seemed to disappear in a cloud of fog and air. It swirled around them as if they’d gotten caught in a storm. She felt weightless like she was floating in outer space, yet at the same time she felt cocooned in a bed of cotton wool.

  She felt Hamish’s hands on her, caressing her, his mouth on hers, his tongue exploring her. Strong thighs pushed her legs apart, making space for the man who owned her heart. As he settled at her core, she pulled him closer, one hand on his nape, one around his waist. She needed him, needed to feel what he could give her: his love and his strength.

  She’d never been so sure of anything in her life as of the love that now crackled between them like electricity. Little sparks ignited the air around them, like lightning illuminated the night sky. She knew instinctively that it was their passion, their desire for each other that made the storm around them gain in strength.

  Then she felt Hamish’s cock at the apex of her thighs, the bulbous head nudging forward, parting her nether lips. She moaned out loud at the intense sensation. When he thrust deep into her, all air rushed from her lungs, and she locked her heels below his butt to hold onto him.

  Hamish released her lips and looked deep into her eyes, his breath ragged. “I love you, Tessa. More than my life.”

  She felt tears shoot into her eyes and her heart fill with joy and the knowledge that they had a future together. “My love,” she murmured.

  As he began to pump into her, his tempo accelerating with every second, she could feel it already: his virta. It began at the point where they were joined and started radiating outward, until all her cells were saturated. She felt her entire body becoming more aware of everything around her, as if her senses were sharper now. And she felt an energy charge through her body that filled her with a power she’d never experienced before.

  “It’s time,” she heard him say all of a sudden.

  A moment later, he’d rolled them, and Tessa found herself above him, straddling him, his cock still deep inside her.

  “Ride me. Bond with me,” he demanded and took her hand, placing it over his heart.

  Her hips began to move, rocking up and down on his cock, when she felt a tingling sensation travel up from her core and down her arm.

  Hamish looked at her, his eyes full of desire and the love she could now feel physically. “Yes, Tessa, yes.”

  The tingling reached her fingers and tiny sparks now exploded from them. As they connected with Hamish’s skin, his body spasmed and his back arched off the mattress.

  “Oh God,” he cried out, just as she felt his cock explode inside her and fill her with his seed, igniting her own orgasm.

  Their moans mingled with the churning air and fog around them, while the sparks of lightning painted a more beautiful picture than any fireworks display. Passion and desire mixed with love and adoration, while their hearts became one.

  “For eternity,” Hamish murmured and pulled her to him for a kiss.

  “Forever, my love.”

  And forever couldn’t start early enough.


  Zoltan paced in his private study, a cave between his private quarters and the great hall where his demons assembled to receive his orders. The study was reserved for discussions that weren’t meant for public consumption.

  Many things were bothering him.

  Tessa Wallace had won the election, destroying his plan to have Gunn rule the city and throw it into even more chaos with his divisive policies. But for now, it was a matter he had to put on the back burner. More pressing things were demanding his attention.

  Somebody was after his throne. Aft
er Vintoq had alerted him to the rumors that were circulating, Zoltan had gone up top and waited for Tessa and her Stealth Guardian lover at City Hall.

  He’d disguised himself in his usual fashion so none of his own demons would recognize him, and donned his special contact lenses so no Stealth Guardian would be drawn to him. He saw two guardians, in fact the two he’d fought once at a farmhouse in Sonoma. But he was certain they weren’t alone, their comrades most likely nearby in their invisible forms. Knowing that he would be outnumbered, he’d confined himself to watching. If one of his demons was there to kill Tessa Wallace, who was leading the polls, Zoltan would find him. And then he would have his traitor.

  While roaming, he’d spotted Tessa’s campaign manager—wearing sunglasses indoors. It had set off an alarm in his head. But before he’d been able to investigate further, she’d disappeared into the ladies room and Tessa had followed, her Stealth Guardian bodyguard blocking access to the area.

  He’d waited around patiently, sipping champagne while he watched the guardian run into the restroom minutes later. When he came back out with Tessa by his side a good twenty minutes later, she’d looked shaken. As they’d passed him, Zoltan had looked down, averting his eyes out of habit, and spotted a drop of green color on the Stealth Guardian’s shoes. Demon blood.

  He didn’t need to be a genius to put two and two together. The campaign manager was a demon he’d never met. A youngling still beholden to the demon she’d served as a human. The demon who wanted his throne.

  A knock at the door interrupted his musings. “Come in.”

  The door opened and Yannick, one of the demons responsible for protecting the circles which allowed for the casting of a vortex, entered. “You asked to see me, oh Great One.”

  “I need you to do something for me.”

  He bowed his head.

  “From now on I want to be informed of everybody’s movements. Whenever any of my subjects go up top, I need to know about it. Keep a log. Present it to me daily.”

  Yannick tossed him a questioning look. “But, oh Great One, how…”

  “Find a way!” he snapped. “Or would you rather lose your head?”

  The demon scurried backwards. “It’ll be done as you wish, oh Great One,” he hastened to reply.

  “And not a word to anybody about this! Now leave!”

  Yannick charged out of the study. When the door fell shut with a loud thud, Zoltan exhaled a curse. “Whoever you are, I’m gonna find you. And then you’ll be sorry you ever crossed me.”

  But in the meantime, there was lots of work to do. After all, the Stealth Guardians were never idle. It was time to adjust his game plan so he’d be one step ahead of them when it came to the next battle.

  ~ ~ ~

  More in this Series:

  Lover Uncloaked (Stealth Guardians #1): Click here to purchase.

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  Other Books by Tina

  Samson’s Lovely Mortal (Scanguards Vampires #1): Click here to purchase.

  Amaury’s Hellion (Scanguards Vampires #2): Click here to purchase.

  Gabriel’s Mate (Scanguards Vampires #3): Click here to purchase.

  Yvette’s Haven (Scanguards Vampires #4): Click here to purchase.

  Zane’s Redemption (Scanguards Vampires #5): Click here to purchase.

  Quinn’s Undying Rose (Scanguards Vampires #6): Click here to purchase.

  Oliver’s Hunger (Scanguards Vampires #7): Click here to purchase.

  Thomas’s Choice (Scanguards Vampires #8) Click here to purchase.

  Silent Bite (A Scanguards Wedding) (Scanguards Vampires #8 1/2): Click here to purchase

  Cain’s Identity (Scanguards Vampires #9): Click here to purchase

  Luther’s Return (Scanguards Vampires #10): Click here to purchase

  Mortal Wish (A Scanguards Vampires Novella): Click here to purchase

  Blake’s Pursuit (Scanguards Vampires #11): Click here to purchase

  Fateful Reunion (Scanguards Vampires #11 1/2): Click here to purchase

  A Touch of Greek (Out of Olympus #1): Click here to purchase.

  A Scent of Greek (Out of Olympus #2): Click here to purchase.

  A Taste of Greek (Out of Olympus #3) Click here to purchase

  A Hush of Greek (Out of Olympus #4): Click here to purchase

  Venice Vampyr #1: Click here to purchase.

  Venice Vampyr #2 Final Affair: Click here to purchase.

  Venice Vampyr #3 Sinful Treasure: Click here to purchase.

  Venice Vampyr #4 Sensual Danger: Click here to purchase.

  Lawful Escort (Eternal Bachelors Club #1) Click here to purchase.

  Lawful Lover (Eternal Bachelors Club #2) – Click here to purchase.

  Lawful Wife (Eternal Bachelors Club #3) – Click here to purchase.

  One Foolish Night (Eternal Bachelors Club #4) – Click here to purchase

  One Long Embrace (Eternal Bachelors Club #5) – Click here to purchase

  One Sizzling Touch (Eternal Bachelors Club #6) – Click here to purchase

  In collaboration with Lara Adrian

  Cut and Run (Phoenix Code 1 & 2) Click here to purchase

  Hide and Seek (Phoenix Code 3 & 4) – Click here to purchase

  Audio Books

  Click here to browse through Tina’s audio books and listen to samples.

  About the Author

  Tina Folsom was born in Germany and has been living in English speaking countries for over 25 years, the last 14 of them in San Francisco, where she’s married to an American.

  Tina has always been a bit of a globe trotter: after living in Lausanne, Switzerland, she briefly worked on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean, then lived a year in Munich, before moving to London. There, she became an accountant. But after 8 years she decided to move overseas.

  In New York she studied drama at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, then moved to Los Angeles a year later to pursue studies in screenwriting. This is also where she met her husband, who she followed to San Francisco three months after first meeting him.

  In San Francisco, Tina worked as a tax accountant and even opened her own firm, then went into real estate, however, she missed writing. In 2008 she wrote her first romance and never looked back.

  She’s always loved vampires and decided that vampire and paranormal romance was her calling. She now has 30 novels in English and over three dozens in other languages (Spanish, German, and French).

  For more about Tina Folsom:

  You can also email her at


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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

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